That's what I've been told by a family member (Elder) who went to one of the Regional Conventions in the North of the U.K lately, who told me the 300 or more disfellowshipped who returned to Jehovah by attending show that the end is so close, just like the final talk says.
Isambard Crater
JoinedPosts by Isambard Crater
Over 300 DFed apparently went to a northern U.K R.C!
by Isambard Crater inthat's what i've been told by a family member (elder) who went to one of the regional conventions in the north of the u.k lately, who told me the 300 or more disfellowshipped who returned to jehovah by attending show that the end is so close, just like the final talk says..
The WatchTower conductor lied on stage
by Isambard Crater inon sunday morning in the watchtower study, a "study" who was their for the 1st time put his hand up and said; "i have a question.
when the paragraph says give up everything, it doesn't really mean give up everything like the pearl merchant, does it, like be willing to lose my modest house, cheap car and other basics i own?
i mean, that sounds a bit much".. the watchtower conductor said in response; "no, it's just a parable and it doesn't mean give up everything.
Isambard Crater
The paragraph you've all pasted into this thread is the one I was referring to, yes.
Personally, I also took "everything" literally meaning if it was a choice between your house and clothing vs. the JW org or kingdom, you'd have to be willing to give them up - which is what got under the skin of this study in attendance.
The WatchTower conductor lied on stage
by Isambard Crater inon sunday morning in the watchtower study, a "study" who was their for the 1st time put his hand up and said; "i have a question.
when the paragraph says give up everything, it doesn't really mean give up everything like the pearl merchant, does it, like be willing to lose my modest house, cheap car and other basics i own?
i mean, that sounds a bit much".. the watchtower conductor said in response; "no, it's just a parable and it doesn't mean give up everything.
Isambard Crater
On Sunday Morning in the WatchTower study, a "Study" who was their for the 1st time put his hand up and said; "I have a question. When the paragraph says give up everything, it doesn't really mean give up everything like the pearl merchant, does it, like be willing to lose my modest house, cheap car and other basics I own? I mean, that sounds a bit much".
The WatchTower Conductor said in response; "No, it's just a parable and it doesn't mean give up everything. It just means we must be willing to be like the pearl merchant, but that doesn't mean giving everything up. It's just about balance, not being excessive with big houses and fancy cars."
Erm, that was a lie, right?
JWs biggest problem is not doctrinal issues
by Chook init's biggest problems are associated with its lack of genuine love and concern for the rank& file.
the average person doesn't need a food critic to tell them their hamburger is shit, in the same manner the average person can discern kindness and love.
gbs fake love and concern is evident in the way head office deals with victims of sexual abuse by jw clergy.
Isambard Crater
Very, very true. If I discern that someone is weak, having problems, depressed or sick in some other way, my heart always moves me to be there for them.
Since those descriptions became true of myself, who has reached out to me from my congregation out of genuine love and persisted in keeping in contact with me? NOBODY.
And it hurts like hell, as the org always tells us that fellow Witnesses are the only people we should associate with. But they are all conditional, fake and only help people who immediately respond and become spiritually strong again within a few days.
Pale Emperor Seems To Have Developed A Fetish
by pale.emperor indont worry, this is safe for work... :).
remember when we were jws and we were told not to "model ourselves after the world"?
meaning no tattoos, no non-approved hairstyles, clothing to be not too tight, not too short etc etc etc?
Isambard Crater
I wouldn't say I'm attracted to people like this physically but I've met and know plenty and they're generally really, really nice people, interesting, engaging, intelligent... many of the things sadly lacking in the BOrg. One of my best friends has pink spiky hair and piercings.
Brother & Sisters, Aunts and Uncles.....husband and wife
by menrov inwas just thinking about the practice in wt (and i believe some other religions as well) to call your fellow female (baptized) jw a sister, a brother if it is a man.
children call older people aunt or uncle.
so, at home, i can call my wife by her first name etc.
Isambard Crater
I definitely still hear pre-teen J.W's calling people aunty and uncle at the Kingdom Hall, encouraged to do so by there parents. I even hear people in their 20s calling people aunty and uncle, but when people reach their 30s most then call others by their first names.
Really struggling to go on
by Isambard Crater inso, so much has happened in my life over the years and continues to happen, but i won't go into the details as it would take a long time.. i don't really know why, but i returned to "the truth" 15 years ago.
in 2012 when the tv broadcasting station launched, i started to develop doubts.
the australian royal commission and other scandals made me angrier, and i now don't believe most of the core teachings.. the only reason i show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.. but it's killing me, literally.
Isambard Crater
Thanks for sharing your eventually positive story Mickey mouse
I'm assuming your faded and didn't DA or get DFed?
Really struggling to go on
by Isambard Crater inso, so much has happened in my life over the years and continues to happen, but i won't go into the details as it would take a long time.. i don't really know why, but i returned to "the truth" 15 years ago.
in 2012 when the tv broadcasting station launched, i started to develop doubts.
the australian royal commission and other scandals made me angrier, and i now don't believe most of the core teachings.. the only reason i show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.. but it's killing me, literally.
Isambard Crater
What makes my life worse and has recently made me stay in bed all day on my days off work is that my husband's family control every aspect of his and our life too, not because of religion but because they're very controlling and also resort to blackmail just like DFing.
So I feel I literally have no personality left and all the little things I used to do to keep myself sane all seem like a distant memory the more depressed I've become.
Really struggling to go on
by Isambard Crater inso, so much has happened in my life over the years and continues to happen, but i won't go into the details as it would take a long time.. i don't really know why, but i returned to "the truth" 15 years ago.
in 2012 when the tv broadcasting station launched, i started to develop doubts.
the australian royal commission and other scandals made me angrier, and i now don't believe most of the core teachings.. the only reason i show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.. but it's killing me, literally.
Isambard Crater
Thankyou very much, everyone, for your support and replies. Each reply means a lot to me.
SummerAngel and Pete Zahut, I can totally relate to the panic attacks, anxiety and other symptoms. The only time in my life when I've not suffered them is for the 15 years I drifted while I was an unbaptized publisher, before returning for in hindsight I don't know what for.
My meeting attendance has dropped off a lot this last two years but quite a lot of other J.W's in the Congregation hardly attend these days either, so hopefully I can get away with continuing my trend.
About my parents, it feels like having watched someone grow ingredients and spend a long time putting their heart and soul into making a meal for me, which I realise as soon as it's served on the table will poison me and them, but feeling like I'm eating it to prevent hurting their feelings, as I know how much genuine effort they put into it for the right motives.
I have posted on this Forum for several months and appreciate all your support.
Really struggling to go on
by Isambard Crater inso, so much has happened in my life over the years and continues to happen, but i won't go into the details as it would take a long time.. i don't really know why, but i returned to "the truth" 15 years ago.
in 2012 when the tv broadcasting station launched, i started to develop doubts.
the australian royal commission and other scandals made me angrier, and i now don't believe most of the core teachings.. the only reason i show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.. but it's killing me, literally.
Isambard Crater
The good news is I have more true friends outside the Org than in it, and I have sought professional help, but they all say leave the cult immediately. Losing my parents is holding me back, though, as I just find it so hard to imagine, even though they've told me to my face over the years that they would choose JW over me.
Any tips on stopping JW guilt and frustration thoughts coming into my head 18/7 when I'm awake?